Oregon Ghost Conference Inn at Seaside Saltline Hotel River Inn HiTide Inn EbbTide Inn

James & Diana Warren

A Tale of Two Warren’s

by Diana and James

A shudder goes through the body every time there is a request for a bio. It was easier to dream up and entirely create a film poster in one day than it is to think about what to write about ourselves. What could inspire a person to learn what it is we do for clients in the paranormal world, or to experience the film we create? Diana and I decided instead to write each other’s Bio since writing about ourselves felt too much like a combo of forced therapy and used car sales. Here than is a short bit from us on who we think the other is and why they are here at a paranormal conference talking about Calls To Us, a documentary that is guiding us here, not the other way around.

  James Warren   Diana Warren  

I am giving you a small peek into who James Warren is.

Husband. Friend. Brother. Son. Artist. Filmmaker. Love.


I am going to give you a small peek into who Diana Warren is.

Beautiful. Insightful. Heartfelt. Honest. Bacon-maker.


You can feel comfortable listening to what James has to say because he graduated top of his class with a Bachelors in Psychology, where he learned research methods in the cognitive psychology lab and honed-in his communication skills working with children and families at the local youth shelter. After college, James continued his career working with all ages of people, his life pivoting though as a child protective service worker. This job hurt his heart and soul which finally seems to be healing.

James Warren has an extraordinary way of speaking to the living and nonliving, you can feel the love and caring in his voice during any contact. For many years now, I have listened to James counsel people and help them confront their fears. He gives them the confidence and peaceful ways to get through situations that may seem frightening. Most end up thanking him after they learn new skills and are able to get through their experiences, newly confident and on their own.

I have watched James make personal and helpful videos for clients about their paranormal experiences. This is where he learned that making videos was something he was passionate about and realized his ability and drive to make a film. He is very loving and thoughtful with the cuts he makes and he loves to tell a story in his unique voice. I have never seen James happier than when a video brings people together or when his creations cause a person to feel something special.

James is an artist. As the years fly by, I have watched him improve his art form to truly be his own beautiful story, whether it is photography, filming, editing, building and flying his drone to make videos or just arranging family art or furniture in our home. He has a natural way of creating feng-shui in everything from art to his words.


Diana Warren is a genuinely supportive, caring and thoughtful person. Driven as if possessed as an adult and inspired to help heal people in some way she achieved a master’s degree in public health. Now she rocks hard at Head Start as the health and nutrition manager for all of the sites in Lincoln County.

Caring for her husband, Diana allowed him to start helping folks with paranormal concerns. She then naturally helped people herself who were fearful, curious and many who really just needed someone to listen to the wild things they experienced. Diana continues to miss out on sleep and knitting time to instead help others. She is always on call for the emergency client that is just about to ring her phone. 

Being whirl-winded around to client’s homes and businesses Diana has learned to be a chameleon like every person. Now, being a co-producer of a film with rare occasional volunteer crew, she adapts on the fly helping to do everything. She didn’t ask to be paranormal counselor, insomniac, data reviewer or be a little bit of every job you see when credits roll after a movie; undaunted she takes it all on and more.

Diana is a career woman, a supportive genuine person, my inspiration and a personal entertaining sideshow too. Parts of her are everywhere in our paranormal works and now in this film.





Everything we have mentioned above is a glimpse into what lead us down the road to produce, Calls to Us. This journey started with a random social media message to check out a local hotel in Lincoln City where people have stories they tell in shuddered whispers. Heeding the call led us to meet amazing people, some of which also felt a pull to help us freely and whole heartedly: mediums, psychics, business and property owners, random people in parking lots and more felt and answered the call. This made us look at that inner voice we all seem to feel.

Some also connect with something else that can guide us. Do you also hear them? Do you listen to what they try to say? Do you trust and act on what you somehow know or are compelled to do? Our film is about the people who do just that on the backdrop of a story from a beautiful place and over the canvas of a horrible tragedy that changed laws across the nation and affects people’s hearts to this day. Calls To Us is in production and will be in the world for your enjoyment someday in the future. Thank you for your attention here, we genuinely wish you peace and wellness.